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The words you use become the house you live in ...

Imagine living with someone who constantly judged you ...

Someone who criticised every one of your decisions and ideas ...

Someone who told you nothing you did was good enough ...

Someone who reminded you of every mistake you'd made and refused to forgive you ...

Someone who didn't believe your needs were important ...

Imagine being locked inside with this person, never able to leave their condemnation ...

How would it feel? Would you want to stick around? Would you feel comforted and loved by their company?

Or would you want that treatment to stop?

Would you crave freedom?

Now think about you speak to yourself....

Do you show yourself kindness?

Do you praise your creativity and ideas?

Do you celebrate your actions?

Do you forgive your wrongdoings from the past?

Do you believe you matter and that you deserve to feel joy?

The language you use creates your reality. If you consistently tell yourself you are not good enough, the world will become a collection of mirrors that will reflect it back to you.

It is not true ... but simply the reality your words are creating.

So what would happen if you believed in your ability?

If you believed you can do things even if you mess up the first time...

If you spoke to yourself in a kind and soothing voice, even if your ideas didn't pan out ...

If you celebrated the accomplishments that mattered to YOU, irrespective of what anyone else thought ...

If you gifted yourself with patience to learn and love to heal ...

If you were just nice to yourself ...

How different would your life be?

Photography by Henry Catling Photography

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